As a farewell address, I thought I would list all the things I love about Ghana. Sometimes it is easy to get excited about the hot shower and air conditioned house waiting for me at home, but then God reminds me of all the things I am leaving behind here. Such as:
1) Thunderstorms. I just love it when it rains here. Yesterday we had a bunch of rain and, as everyone here knows, that means it is COLD. While I was rejoicing in the temporary relief from the stifling heat, the children were huddled inside their shirts, shivering. Amazing how everything is relative.
2) The fact, here, to be “increasing in weight” is a good thing. Yesterday one of the house mothers here told me I was fat. As a compliment. I said (oh-so-politely) that in America, we want to be THIN, and even if someone is fat, you don’t comment on it.
3) New Vocabulary. “Head” is hair, “Knickers” are pants (and by the way, “pants” are underwear), “Biscuits” are cookies, and “Fine” is everything from Okay to Unbelievably Happy to Grumpy to Downright Miserable.
4) The fruit. It’s awesome here. Just trust me on this one.
But most of all, I think I will miss the kids. Every one of them is so unique and special and wonderful. I wish I could spend more time getting to know them. Each one has touched me in different ways. I will never forget this trip and what God has done through every moment of it. Thanks, Ghana….I’ll miss you!

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