Who is a mother? Many of you might say a mother is a person who has given birth to children. Others might say through adoption or foster care. But let me tell you who a mother is -- she is a virtuous woman and a woman of noble heart sent by God to fend for the needs of her children, to protect, to provide shelter and security for them, to encourage them when they are down, and advice and guide them. A mother is a great person who showers her children with love irrespective of their looks or personality or how they behave.
On behalf of Beacon House, the staff and children wishes all mothers a Happy Mother's Day. Most especially Mum
Romana Testa, Madam
Patrick-Heather Cline, Madam
Tatiana Kotlyarenko, Madam Fafa for organizing this beautiful event on Mother's Day, Madam
Anna McGonigle, Mama Kate, Mama Gifty, Grandma Elizabeth, Grandma Peace, Caren Ayika,
Kelly Sheehan,
Carrie Swanson-Blaske just to mention a few. God Bless you all, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!